
How You Can Join Us

ordination opportunities for 2024

Join Us

We will be organizing ordinations every month of 2024. You should arrive no later than the 10th on the month you want to ordain. This will give you 5 days to prepare for ordination which will take place on the 15th. You may arrive earlier if you wish. For more details about the nature of ordination at Pa Pae, you can click here.

Monks Only Meditation Hall

newly enclosed for comfortable, secluded meditation with a forest view

Long Term Western Monks

find out why LP Carl has decided to stay as a monk at Pa Pae since March 2020

Our Core Values

as a spiritual community

Spiritual Cultivation

Spiritual Cultivation

Purifying practices such as meditation and chanting stand at the core of monk life. The daily routine provides a balance of scheduled times dedicated for group practice and free time for individual meditation and study of the Dhamma. 



In modern society, we are often disconnected from nature. The lushly forested mountains of the Pa Pae meditation retreat and the open natural design of its facilities invites you to reconnect with the nature around and inside of you as the surroundings detox your mind. 



Simple is best. Life is often too full of complexity. Come see how the simple, yet sacred routine of monk life naturally slows down our typically racing minds and facilitates a deep inner transformation. 



Generosity and true spiritual friendship is healing. With a mix between activities to give back and to cultivate inner peace as a group, the community at Pa Pae has the warmth of an eclectic tight-knit family.



The endless beautiful meditation spots spread across this mountain retreat and the individual huts provided enable you to find a balance between community and time in solitude. This balance is essential for spiritual cultivation.